Head of department, History DP teacher
Education: Lomonosov MSU, history faculty
Motto: «Education for life!"
Hobby: travel, theatre, music.
Mythology teacher
Education: Lomonosov MSU, «Russian language and literature teacher» World Literature Institute postgraduate
Hobby: literature, football and ping-pong
Варакин Максим Алексеевич
учитель географии и истории
Образование: окончил Ростовский Государственный Университетет по специальности историка,
Государственную Академию славянской культуры,
Российский государственный педагогический университет имени А.И.Герцена по специальности педагога и культуролога,
защитил кандидатскую диссертацию и прошел переквалификацию как учитель географии,
закончил специализированные курсы в Институте теории и истории педагогики, а также в Московском государственном психолого-педагогическом университете.
Хобби: чтение книг и прослушивание музыкальной классики (широко понимаю это понятие) в домашней обстановке, путешествия с палаткой на горных тропах.
Девиз: Дети — это нежные и хрупкие цветы жизни.
Поэтому мое главное кредо — стараться не навредить и помочь.
Волков Николай Борисович
учитель обществознания
Образование: окончил МГУ им. Ломоносова, философский факультет. Философ, Преподаватель
Магистерская программа «История и культура Античности» - Университет Дмитрия Пожарского
Хобби: классические языки, тяжёлая атлетика, компьютерные игры
Девиз: Festina lente!
Kulakov Andrey Evgenievich
Fundamentals of spiritual and moral culture teacher
Education: Graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University
One of the creators of the conceptual approach to teaching religious studies courses.
Author of books and textbooks "Religions of the world", "Religions in Russia", the anniversary book "The Light of the Star of Bethlehem".
I was a musician, but I didn't leave notes.
I was a philosopher, but I didn't leave any books.
I was an astronomer, but somewhere in the starry sky
My scientific trace is also lost forever.
I was a poet, but I didn't create poems...
But I have lived my life as a poet!
Hobby: Extreme sports, winter swimming, traveling.
Mekhtieeva Nigiar Rustamovna
DP coordinator, Theory of knowlege teacher
Education: Graduated from the "Integration of the XXI century" with a gold medal, the first issue of DP.
Graduated with honors from the Department of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies of the Russian State University with a degree in International Integration and International Organizations.
Currently, he is continuing his postgraduate studies at the Russian State University, preparing for the defense of a dissertation on the specialty "Political problems of international relations, global and regional development" (2018).
Motto: And, when you want something, all the universe conspiracy in helping you to achieve it.
To live is the greatest thing in the world (c).
Hobbies: Reading, music, singing, playing football, hiking, movies.
Rudenko Andrey Jorgevich
economics teacher
1) Higher Economic Education (Candidate of Economic Sciences), MISiS (Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys)
2) higher pedagogical (English teacher) ANO VPO "European University "Business Triangle" (St. Petersburg)
Motto: "A bad teacher presents the truth, and a good teacher teaches to find it" (A. Disterveg)
Field of interest: Study of economic disciplines in Russian and English
Hobby: table tennis, football, chess
Smorodinova Polina Leonidovna
World Art Culture teacher
Education: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History (Department of General History and Theory of Art)
Higher School of Environmental Design at the Department of Environmental Design of the MARCHI
Motto: The perfectly wise is bright, but does not want to shine. "Tao Te Ching", Lao Tzu
Hobby: Reading (more like a lifestyle), hiking, cycling